Thursday, September 21, 2023

Let's Talk About It
Battle of Five Armies & The Third Age of Middle-Earth
The current year for our Middle-Earth campaign is set during the year of 2946 of the Third Age.
Inspired By J.R.R. Tolkien

I would like to go on record at the start of this post by saying some of what I am about to say is going to offend some folks so . . . if it does, then I guess you'll be offended! If you dislike what I am about to say then move along to something else because I don't need you here trying to force your point of view on me or my players "who also feel the same way" and how we feel Middle-Earth should be. Alright, now that that's been said, on with the post . . .

I understand everyone is going to have a difference of opinions and I respect that but if your opinion does not agree with mine then I guess that is how it goes. This version of Middle-Earth will be 100% homebrew. Why is it homebrew you might ask? Well, I have not read the books so I have no way to remain true to canon. My campaign will be based totally off of the six films but I will be reading the novels in the near future so I will try to hold true as best I can to the Tolkien spirit.

My Middle-Earth will not feed off of a single thing from the Amazon "The Rings of Power" series that has been released #BoycotAmazon. I will not get into the reasons behind why I personally feel like Amazon just gave Middle-Earth fans a hard slap to the face and giving us the middle finger with the other hand, I will let you folks decide for yourself if you like or dislike what you have seen so far concerning that series but one thing is certain ... Amazon took down the video they had on the Amazon channel where the words "representation & diversity" was said a million times . . . this speaks volumes. One other thing I want to point out is how Amazon made it so people could not post reviews on Rotten Tomatoes "hmmm . . . I wonder why that was done" lol.

All Amazon is concerned with are the words "representation & diversity" - and with Amazon removing that video from the Amazon channel, it just goes to show you that they realize that they screwed up. I am also now seeing how they are race swapping main characters, turning white characters into black characters . . . lol ok let's just spit all over the work of J.R.R. Tolkien. They don't care about the actual Lore and it speaks volumes about what they are trying to do with this new series with that video being removed from the Amazon Youtube channel ... nuff said on that.

Personally I feel the entire concept of this new Amazon series to be sad & embarrassing and I personally will not have anything to do with that shit show. I want to also go on record by saying Wizards of the Coast race swapping Aragorn is a disgrace and they can line up right along side Amazon with how I feel about them.

Anyways . . . to finish this thing up, yea my campaign is going to be based off of the films. Sure the Hobbit trilogy was a little silly with the CGI and at times and I see where Peter Jackson added non canon stuff into the prequels, but in the end the films kept with the "flavor and feel" of Middle-Earth and I loved all six films even with some of the rediculas CGI stuff going on in the Hobbit trilogy. All of my current players have not read the novels but are huge huge fans of the films and this will be how they envision what is going on in my campaign so it just makes sense to build my campaign off of the films and just add in as much canon as I can to it.

Middle-Earth is something very close to my heart and with Amazon doing this stupid shit to this new series really upsets me which in turn causes me to speak my mind about how I feel about how my Middle-Earth campaign should and will be. I'm sure if I read the books it would mean so much more to me and eventually I really do hope to be able to find the time and sit down and read the books.

Most if not all of my group know about Middle-earth from the six films so in a way basing this campaign off of the movies works better for my group anyways. I've had multiple movie nights with my players where we sat around and watched the extended versions of all six films "at different times of course" and we had a wonderful time. I am very excited to be bring our own Middle-earth to life for my players to explore. Knowing that at times they will undoubtedly meet some of the iconic characters from Middle-earth which I hope is a real treat for them.

So, be patient with us "especially me" because we still have a lot of perpareration to get done and this campaign blog is just beginning to get worked on so a lot more content is coming to this little corner of Middle-earth. I'll have more news coming soon for everyone so stay tuned.

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