Sunday, February 20, 2022

House Rules
Battle of Five Armies & The Third Age of Middle-Earth
The current year for our Middle-Earth campaign is set during the year of 2946 of the Third Age.
Inspired By J.R.R. Tolkien

1. Stats Rolling: This isn't a so called House Rule as one might know it, but every group has there own ways of rolling character stats. Some roll 3 six sided and keep whats rolled, some roll 4 six sided and reroll all ones. Our rule we use is we roll 4 six sided (6 times), reroll all 1's, and drop the lowest roll, keeping the 3 highest 6 sided dice for that stats. Yea it kills sucky stats, but we believe that players will play better (and enjoy the characters more) if the character does not "suck" and we have not had problems with characters getting a set of "GOD STATS". Sure every now and then someone gets a higher than normal set of stats but this is not happening often with us.

2. Level One Hit Points: We give all level 1 characters max hitpoints. This is done "only" for level One. This gives the characters a fighting chance, especially the Wizard who could easily have 1-2 hit points. Yea I know, it is babying them at level 1. We try to make sure our players have a good time and not worry about tripping and taking lethal damage from a pebble. From level Two and higher, hit points are rolled normal.

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