Friday, January 20, 2023

Battle of Five Armies & The Third Age of Middle-Earth
The current year for our Middle-Earth campaign is set during the year of 2946 of the Third Age.
Inspired By J.R.R. Tolkien

Radagast (Adûnaic; IPA: ['radagast] - "Tender Of Beasts") the Brown, also called Aiwendil (Quenya; IPA: [ai'wendil] - "Bird-Friend") was one of the Wizards, or Istari, sent to Middle-earth to contest the will of Sauron. Originally a Maia of Yavanna, Radagast was mainly concerned with the well-being of the plant and animal worlds, and thus did not participate heavily in the War of the Ring.

Originally called Aiwendil, Radagst was a Maia created from before Time who descended to Arda in order to serve the Valar. Aiwendil was a servant of the Valië Yavanna, the Queen of earth.

After the Undying Lands were separated from Arda during the Downfall of Númenor, Manwë was still concerned for the fate of the peoples of Middle-earth, because despite Sauron was overthrown, it would later turn out that he had not been effectively vanquished and his shadow began to fall a second time.

A council of the Valar was summoned and it was decided that they would send emissaries to Middle-earth, these should be "mighty peers of Sauron, yet forgo might, and clothe themselves in flesh," as they were intended to help Men and Elves unite against Sauron, but the wizards were forbidden from matching the Dark Lord in power and fear ... Aulë chose Curumo, Oromë chose Alatar and Pallando, and Manwë chose Olórin. Yavanna subsequently begged Curumo to take Aiwendil with him.

Around the year 1000, the Maiar arrived at the Grey Havens in the west of Eriador upon the shores of Middle-earth, having the form of old Men, whom the peoples called Wizards. Curumo arrived first and alone, and Aiwendil arrived at the same time as Olórin. When the Wizards took their mission they roamed Middle-earth, in this period, Aiwendil had been renamed Radagast by the Ñoldors and was known for both his protection of the great Forests and his zeal for the animals, worrying little concerned with the affairs of Men and Elves but was far more knowledgeable in plants, birds and beasts in the forest. He also turned away from Saruman during this period, unaware that he despised him and considered him a fool.

In general, Radagast was never much of a traveller. There is not much to be told about his early journeys, but by the late Third Age he eventually settled down and dwelt, for a time at least, at Rhosgobel somewhere between the Carrock and the Old Forest Road. Situated on the western borders of Mirkwood, it can be assumed that the Wizard held watch against the Shadow of Dol Guldur that slowly engulfed the forest. It is likely that he became acquainted with the inhabitants of that region. Close to animals and birds, he was friends with the Great Eagles. Although the neighboring Beorn was unsociable, he used to see him from time to time, and he considered Radagast "not bad" for a Wizard.

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