Monday, January 16, 2023

Fenbridge Castle
Battle of Five Armies & The Third Age of Middle-Earth
The current year for our Middle-Earth campaign is set during the year of 2946 of the Third Age.
Inspired By J.R.R. Tolkien

The Fenbridge is the long bridge that crosses the marshes surrounding Dol Guldur. Fenbridge Castle is the name of the fortification that guards the entrance to this bridge, and therefore the entrance to Dol Guldur itself. The castle was abandoned after the fall of the Necromancer, but has since been reoccupied by his minions.

Foul marshes surround Dol Guldur on three sides. The easiest way to cross these swamps is via the Fenbridge, a snaking line of orc-built crossings that run from hillock to hillock, and the only way onto the Fenbridge is through Fenbridge Castle. Fenbridge Castle is a sprawling, unplanned fortress; it started as a mere gatehouse, but has had innumerable other towers and bastions added on over the years. Fenbridge once supplied food and manpower to Dol Guldur.

The general word of the region has it that Orcs also dwell within this dark fortress but these rumors have not been confirmed as of yet. Radagast has been keeping a close eye on Fenbridge Keep as well as Dol Guldur and the other outlying fortresses.

The lord of Tyrant's Hill is a man named Mogdred, who is known as the so-called Lord of Tyrant's Hill. According to rumour, he commands many well-equipped warriors, and claims part of Southern Mirkwood and the Narrows as his domain. Some of the settlements in the southern vales pay him tribute. No one among his followers knows where Mogdred comes from, but his tower was once inhabited by Orcs and Men who bore the sigil of the Necromancer.

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