Monday, October 24, 2022

The Great Hall
Battle of Five Armies & The Third Age of Middle-Earth
The current year for our Middle-Earth campaign is set during the year of 2946 of the Third Age.
Inspired By J.R.R. Tolkien

This massive sized building is the Great Hall of Woodmen-town. Woodmen-town is governed by a Council of Elders consisting of a body of five elders. All council meetings are held within the richly decorated Great Hall located atop the central hill of Woodmen-town. Inside this great hall, the legendary Lamp of Balthi is kept safe, the greatest treasure of the Woodmen.

The hall is a massive four story building made of good quality stone and wood. The roof was made of wood with a bell tower rising from the back. A noticeboard near the front door displays bulletins and information for residents and newcomers to town, some offering rewards for certain tasks. The bottom floor of this building is used for multiple purposes.

The right half of the floor is used for council and town meetings and such with two large oak tables with chairs seated around them. A large hearth in the back of the room warms this side of the floor during the colder months of the year.

The left half of the bottom floor is used as a large dining area for when meetings are held, the guests can eat afterwords. in the back section is a large sized kitchen for preparing the food for these meetings.

The second floor is mainly used as a large lounge area for the not so formal meetings the council might have. A large hearth is in the back of the room which is connected to the one downstairs. This floor of the Great Hall is build for comfort and relaxation foe the council members. Most private council meetings are held in this room where as the bottom floor is where most of the public meetings are held with townsfold or new arrivals to Woodmen-town. Multiple plush chairs and couches are spread out across this room in a circular fashion.

The third floor is the official residence of each of the five elders of Woodsmen-town. Five medium sized bed chambers are located on this floor , one for each Elder of the council. Large designer rugs lay across the floors of each chamber with expensive furniture and such furnishing each room. Chairs, counches and such are arranged through the common room of the floor. It also contains a large hearth that is connected to the lower two floors hearths.

The top floor of this building is used as an open study room for any council member who wishes to use it. Standard furnishings of a room occupy this room. A hearth "not attached to the lower floors hearths" also is along the back wall.

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