Thursday, March 18, 2021

Ready For Content
Battle of Five Armies & The Third Age of Middle-Earth
The current year for our Middle-Earth campaign is set during the year of 2946 of the Third Age.
Inspired By J.R.R. Tolkien


  1. Welcome to Middle Earth! I think the biggest concepts to import into your 1e rules are the "Journey" rules and the "Shadow" rules. The "Fellowship" rules are also good. Another switch is that AiME is a low-magic setting, which can take some adjustment for players used to buying magic gear at the corner Ye Olde Magik Shoppe...

    1. Hey Easy, thanks for stopping by. In my campaigns, I have NEVER had a magic shop in it. To be honest I prefer low magic settings. Actually Middle-Earth is not all that low of magic campaign, it has ancient magic in it from thousands of years ago. I love these magical items being more rare to find but when you do find them I love how they are more customized items.

    2. Also now that the overall campaign blog is up, I plan to removed, adjust and add a lot of stuff. I go back and look at things I've done so far and am not liking them 100%. I agree with you, maybe I don't trying to bring in EVERYTHING from AiMe just enough to compliment what 1st edition has.

  2. I am 100% LOVING what you have done here. I think you trying to keep your 1st edition intact and merging the AiMe system into 1st edition sounds really exciting. I agree with Easyfight. I think maybe do not try to merge ALL of AiMe's rules with your classic rules, just pick the primary ones that will give your campaign that "Middle-earth" feel a little bit more.
