Thursday, December 7, 2023

Giving the Middle Finger to WotC/Hasbro
Battle of Five Armies & The Third Age of Middle-Earth
The current year for our Middle-Earth campaign is set during the year of 2946 of the Third Age.
Inspired By J.R.R. Tolkien

This guy touched on a lot of stuff that he pulled from Twitter and one thing I want to make clear, all of these people I am about to highlight are affiliate with Hasbro/WotC in one form or another . . . some are editors, writers, executives and content creators. They publically say stuff that is pure racist and WotC/Hasbro lets them get away with it, and as a matter of fact Hasbro/WotC does its best to go along with these people and what they say. It is a sad state with what our world has become. To see some of the stuff people do these days is just disgraceful and personally I'll have nothing to do with it.

It's disgusting and embarrassing. It's bad enough with how WotC/Hasbro tried to redo the OGL to screw everyone over, sure they backed down but only because the entire community rose up against them and forced them to back down. It's just sad how this game has went down the toilet.

Dominique Dickey tweeted a couple of tweets here and here. How much of a racist can someone be? It's beyond belief how bad this person is.

Then you have Sadie Lowrie who assisted as a writer for Call of the Netherdeep making tweets like this. I send her a tweet asking her about her tweet and this is the reply I got from her. Instead of explaining herself, she blocks me. Typical racist hiding from what she has done. The exact same thing happened with Sarah Madsen . . . when I sent her a tweet about these tweets that she made and I got another reply just like I got from Sadie Lowry.

Lets look at Makenzie De Armas with her tweet or how the one and only Christopher Perkins tweeted this and to think, it pretty much all started with this from Kyle Brinks. It's just gotten out of control. I am washing my hands of WotC/Hasbro D&D for good. My group will never have anything to do with D&D/Hasbro and its products.

Every where you look you see this kind of stuff, and it is just sad. My Middle-earth campaign setting might not be as J. R. R. Tolkien wrote it, especially since we are basing our campaign off of the six films by Peter Jackson but I promise to do what I can to maintain the spirit of Middle-earth and what makes it special.